August 13, 2012

When faith and trust of India's youth is a memory for me

I have completely lost faith in this country, its youth and its future. Yes I am referring to the next superpower called India. The way we are moving now – in tandem with all the primitive methods – I am unable to fathom the modernisation and educational levels.

Not that I am better off nor do I represent India's youth the way Chetan Bhagat does that I am expressing my opinion. Not that the India envisaged by Modi and his Free Public Relation fans in social networks that I subscribe nor oppose to. Not the mute and deaf undeterred and stagnant India Congress and BJP envisages that I can ever think of nor do I want to even in my wildest dreams. 

But a country that is run by scoundrels but inhabited by intellectuals. Yes, this is  deliberate and pun is intended. I will explain how. Politics is not a common man's job. If I want to clean up a place, get rid of problems around say half a kilometer radius, it is impossible for me. So how on earth am I going to get into any type of politics. So it will always be run by people who are more capable and smart than me. Let them do it. In the middle of last decade, I thought of a resurgent India where the youths of this country will put apart the riddles of Hinduism, revoke regional chauvinism, create social awareness and march ahead with what Amitabh Bachan shouts on the promos of KBC – Sirf Gyan hi aapko aapka haq dilata hai.

Well, I think he is preaching it at a wrong time. Today these same issues which I thought will be a thing of the past are its peak. People with biggest gyan are flirting with impractical thoughts and even impregnating it within themselves championing activism that can only end with a big Aryabhatta discovery. 

So much have been written about Anna and Ramdev that if I write anything again, Google will stop SEO of these two words for ever. But allow me to put two sentences. These two people are asking for moon is an understatement. I dont understand why the educated youth of this country cant realise that corruption is a human problem deep rooted in culture and not a government issue. Why they subscribe to Anna View that it can be switched off like a television remote is what has put me to deep shame. Second is black money. I scratch my head on this demand without a possible method. There are somethings black money cant buy. For everything else there is Baba and Anna. 

It is more of a joke on this country that precious time and policing energy is wasted on utopia. If I live up to my grand children, I will make sure I tell certainly use this as a sleeping pill for them the way toddlers are made to listen to Ba Ba Black Sheep. Thank you for your patience to read the often repeated things about Anna and Baba. Let's come to the real point now.

I thought, I am odd among the big thinking society but when I shared this with some like minded people, I realised, they have exactly the same way of thinking. I may be wrong because the data that I relied on mostly comprised of Social networking updates where the so called big intellectual minds stay. The villages and people with real intellect may have got missed from my radar for which I am expressing my regret. There could be some hope left in these places, I really dont know.

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