July 08, 2010

Sonia, Maya, Pinky, Renuka, Muskan: The Kinnar party

As I went collecting contributions for an Apartment get together, I realized how difficult it is for the ‘Kinnars’ to reach out to prospective money givers and then keeping track of them on a regular basis.

We were certainly in a group and the members were more than happy to contribute. One of the group members suggested we should leave a mark on the doors the way Eunuchs write their names to declare that a group has visited the house and has made a major hole to the monthly earning of that particular family.

I have parted a major part of my salary to this tribe both at home and office. I tried to reason with them to produce a bill so that I can pay by cheque. She/he glanced at me as if they will take revenge by getting me admitted to their group. Last year, we tried to make them wait after having agreed to a small sum to discuss internally if we can reduce the amount further.

 One of them forcibly entered our meeting room in the office and said any one could count a million by this time. We settled for the agreed amount. The new office and the new home were bigger than the previous addresses. So the amount has to be bigger. So Sonia, Maya, Pinky, Renuka, Muskan and Party entered with demand of nothing less than an IMF loan.

Their leader Pinki massi was soft on me kindling me like her/his son. Sympathetic towards my helplessness in disbursing an amount on voucher without a proper bill was nothing short of a maternal care. I asked her a basic accountancy question of how to show this in the account. “It is none of my business,” she replied loudly but with compassion.

Their departure left a permanent mark. Not in my heart or body but on the walls outside the door. They also promised to return by Holi, Diwali, New Year and other festivals. Wonder where they are going to inscribe their Fateh Nama if this series go beyond a decade. And I also wonder how much of my income has to be earmarked for this SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle)

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