May 23, 2009

Focus of attraction : Violences

Early this week, a young woman of around 28 years made a harsh decision. She decided to jump from the terrace without any notice to any one. She succumbed to her injuries hours later leaving a stunned husband and an innocent 2 year old kid to the mercy of virtually no one. They live opposite to my kitchen and I have this girl a little uncomfortable with her mother in law. Not as serious as to jump to death, though.

Exactly two years before this date, another girl jumped fatally and that was for some other reason. I was wondering how life is taken so silly by people. They leave behind trauma and pains for the survivors. In today’s world, life is cheap and it comes so easily, fast and furious.

Counseling in matters of domestic quarrels and negotiations across the table for national problems comes as the last resort now. The first weapon is to either kill one or to go on killing others. In either cases the methodology is wrong. But then there are lacunae too. For public causes, the main criteria is public attention. So if you want a separate state, the best way is to create violence. If you ask the government politely, this is most likely to be unheard forever. Violence attracts attention and more violence puts the league in terms of a larger negotiating table. Today the world is following this formula and let’s see how long this will get on with

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