(Audio) Difference A Call Makes
Amid all the hype about mobile telephones, it's often forgotten that millions across the world have never even made a phone call, let alone owned a phone. In this feature, Binu Alex travels to a village in Gujarat that has one phone between 700 people to hear what a difference a phone call can make - and to discuss some of the problems of getting connected.In May this year, an international conference in Cairo discussed ways of providing more telephones to people in Africa. But the conference failed to tackle the underlying problems blocking the spread of phones to the poorest people. Although recent figures show that sales of mobile phones are booming faster in Africa than in any other continent, they hide a growing divide between people living in cities and those in rural areas. The reality is that throughout the developing world, the vast majority of people living outside a city still can't afford to make a phone call. In this feature, Binu Alex travels to a village in Gujarat that has one phone between 700 people to find out what a difference a phone call can make - and about some of the problems of getting connected. Click on the IWR image to listen to the story

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